Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
In this bundle you get all of my Contentless Scenes to use when creating devised theatre with your pupils. Plus 3 packs of 50 amazing pieces of stimulus each. Plus 7 topic packs of stimulus. Plus 5 posters for devising!
Contentless Scenes Pack (35 scripts)
3x Amazing Stimulus Packs
7 x Topic Stimulus Packs (Grief, Morality, The Seasons, Time, Trust & Promises, Truth & lies, Worthlessness & Insignificance)
4 x Frantic Assembly adapted Questionnaires for Devising
GCSE Devising Script Examples
Love & Hate Devising SOW
GCSE Stimulus Booklet for Mock Devising Exam
5x Devising Posters
For more details please see the descriptions on each resource item.
You save 65% by purchasing this bundle as opposed to buying separately!
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
In this bundle you get ten stimuli packs (each pack contains a minimum of 20 A4 pages - so 200+ pages in total!) to use when creating devised theatre with your pupils.
Loneliness & Solitude
12 Signs of the Zodiac
For more details please see the descriptions on each resource item.
You save 50% by purchasing this bundle as opposed to buying separately!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20+ pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Morality
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!